Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Job Targets 2007-2008

First post on blogger. Some of my goals (personal and math PLC) are humbling, but I want them to be attainable.

Personal S.M.A.R.T Goals for 2007-2008

1. At least 60% passing rate on the AP Calculus AB exam this year.

a. Complete curriculum before Spring Break

b. All students take at least 2 full practice examinations
c. Students will classify at least 5 years worth of Free Response questions and examine grading standards.

2. Direct Instruction in my classroom will be no
more than 40% of class time.
a. Direct Instruction will entail the rule of 4 to develop a topic.
b. Group work and cooperative learning will examine and analyze open-ended questions.
c. Homework and Quizzes will practice and assess skills

3. Students will utilize technology daily to solve problems and organize class work
a. 100% of students will subscribe to their class iCal.
b. I should observe students using TI-83's, graphing calculator(on laptop), eigenmath, etc. every class period.
c. I will experiment with other online tools including PBWiki, interactive classroom blog (more than just a place to post class information), and math content sites (Purplemath, InteractiveMath, etc.) by using them in class at least twice a quarter.

Math PLC Goals for 2007-2008

1. Meet or exceed state average for state math assessment, ACT, and AP Calculus scores.

2. Positively affect student classroom learning by increasing focus during PLC time

a. 75% of PLC time is focused on student learning in the classroom.

3. Implement UPIC problem solving strategy
a. Place a poster in each math classroom and at least 8 other classrooms.
b. Each math teacher will share a UPIC anecdote once a month during PLC time.

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